Remote Control

iOS supported Android not supported

Remote Control command monitors the state of remote controllers of headphones connected to the device.



  • OSC Address: /(deviceUUID)/remotecontrol (1st value)
  • JSON key: remotecontrol.playpause

The play/pause button is pressed or not.


  • OSC Address: /(deviceUUID)/remotecontrol (2nd value)
  • JSON key: remotecontrol.volumeup

The volume up button is pressed or not.


  • OSC Address: /(deviceUUID)/remotecontrol (3rd value)
  • JSON key: remotecontrol.volumedown

The volume down button is pressed or not.


  • OSC Address: /(deviceUUID)/remotecontrol (4th value)
  • JSON key: remotecontrol.isPlaying

The value toggles by play/pause buttons.

Note: this value does not correspond to the states of any other apps like music, video apps.


  • OSC Address: /(deviceUUID)/remotecontrol (5th value)
  • JSON key: remotecontrol.volume

The volume of the device which can be updeted by volume up/down buttons.

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